Make a Living as a Professional Sailor
Brian Hancock
Here’s what you’ll discover in this book…
- What’s changed over the years to take sailing from an amateur sport to top of the game earning a decent living
- One technique Captains use for setting their pay rate while cruising
- Why racing wins over cruising
- The truth about making money as a sailor
- What qualifications racing boat owners look for in their lead sailor
- The #1 drawback to making a living as a professional sailor
- Different ways to survive financially when crewing on a racing boat
- What you need to know about being at sea during an ocean race
- The major differences between racing as crew versus solo racing
- How professional sailing affects your resume

Highlights from
this Segment
– Two requirements to be paid as a professional sailor in an ocean race
– If you are this type of sailor, do not apply
– Types of corporate sponsorship involved in these races
– The budget is how much?
About Brian Hancock
Brian Hancock is arguably one of the most experienced offshore sailors in the U.S. He has logged over a quarter million offshore miles racing both fully crewed as well as solo. Brian has competed in three Whitbread Round the World Races. In 2007, Brian co-founded his around-the-world race, The Portimao Global Ocean Race. He’s authored seven books including his latest memoir: “Grabbing the World”.